Ross Lab
Bianca Edozie, undergraduate researcher and senior majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology AND Chemistry, named a Rising Researcher! Congratulations, Bianca!
College of Natural Science Story
(December 2018)

Jenny Ross named a Fellow of the American Physical Society Division of Biological Physics! Congratulations, Jenny!
(Sept 2018)
Jenny interviewed for APS News article on the Division of Biological Physics.
(Dec 2018)
Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate student, Sid Advani successfully defends her thesis! Congratulations, Dr. Advani!
(Aug 2018)

Summer high school intern, Talia O'Shea, highlighted in Hampshire Gazette article!
(Aug 2018)
New paper accepted at Cytoskeleton authored by Sid Advani in collaboration with Tom Maresca (UMass Biology)
(July 2018)

New paper accepted at Frontiers of Physics authored by Leila Farhadi and Carline Fermino do Rosario in collaboration with Ned Debold (UMass Kinesiology) and Aparna Baskaran (Brandeis)
(July 2018)

New funding from the W.M. KECK Foundation to create a self-organized, autonomously and rhythmically contracting material in collaboration with Rae Robertson-Anderson (USD), Moumita Das (Rochester Institute of Technology), and Mike Rust (University of Chicago)
(July 2018)

New funding from the National Science Foundation to explore a physical model of the mitotic spindle in collaboration with Pat Wadsworth (UMass, Biology)
(July 2018)
New paper published in Physical Review E with Taviare Hawkins on microtubule mechanics. Microtubule figure selected for highlight in June 2018 Kaleidoscopes!
(June 2018)

Graduate Student, Leila Farhadi, awarded the Dandamudi Rao Scholarship for a graduate student working on biological physics. Congratulations, Leila!
(May 2018)

Ross Lab representing at the UMass Research Art-Science Exhibit (RASE) at the W.E.B. Dubois Library! Look at some of our beautiful entries! Congratulations Labbies!
(April 2018)

Ross Lab poster presentations at the Undergraduate Research Conference! Congratulations George, Austin and Lena, and Liudmila! (April 2018)

New Paper Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences about composite actin-microtubule liquid crystals with Juan DePablo and Margaret Gardel (University of Chicago)! http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1713832115
(January 2018)

New Paper Published in Biomacromolecules about self-assembled lipid-nanogels with Thai Thayumanavan's lab (UMass, Chemistry)! http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.7b01300
(January 2018)